Shin-Rong Tsai

[Design Patterns] Abstract Factory Pattern

Definition The abstract factory pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. The abstract factory pattern and the...

[Design Patterns] Factory Method Pattern

Definition The factory method pattern defines an interface for creating an object but lets its subclasses decide the instantiate logic. The factory method enables the class to (the end result) def...

[Design Patterns] Decorator Pattern

Definition A decorator pattern attaches additional responsibilities to an object dynamically (at runtime). Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionalities. S...

[Design Patterns] Observer Pattern

Definition The observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects. So that when it (the observable) changes its state, all of its dependencies are notified. Scenario Instead of maki...

[Design Patterns] Strategy Pattern

Definition The strategy pattern defines a families of algorithms and lets the clients choose from it and can change independently. Scenario Inheritance is not for code reuse. Inheritance shares co...

[Book Review] Deep Simplicity -- by John Gribbin

Reading Date: Dec 23, 2022 ~ Feb 8, 2023 Order out of Chaos When dealing with complicate physical systems, we will make assumptions and consider ideal situations first, and then start adding f...

[Book Review] Seven Brief Lessons on Physics -- by Carlo Rovelli

Reading Date: Dec 12, 2022 ~ Dec 18, 2022 Contradictions and Our Attempt to Combining Them General relativity and quantum mechanics cannot both be right, at least in their current forms, becau...

[Book Review] The Order of Time -- by Carlo Rovelli

Reading Date: Sep 29, 2022 ~ Nov 9, 2022 A present that is common throughout the whole universe does not exist Physics describes how things evolve in their own time and how these times evolve ...